Quality Label

Quality Label

úterý 22. prosince 2009

Thanks from Czech students.

Hello our Slovak friends,
thank you for your nice Christmas cards and your presents :-)

We like them all very much!!
We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2010 !!

See you soon!!

neděle 20. prosince 2009

neděle 6. prosince 2009

Christmas is coming! Huraay!!
Both Czech and Slovak pupils are really clever with their computers.
Super! Great!
They have prepared common Xmas cards.
We are sure you will like them!!!
David and Martin

Lucka Š. and Milan

Lukáš and Eva

Marek and Svetlana

Vojta and Filip

Nikča and Paťo

Anička and Marek

Tom and Dušan

Lucka H. and Paťka

Filip K. and Viktor

Martina and Stephen

And here you can see Czech presentation about Xmas in Most and our school.
We hope you will like it. Merry Christmas :-)
Kája and Janko

Filip P. and Svetlanka

Pepa and Martin

pátek 13. listopadu 2009

Where we live.

I haven´t seen it yet.

Obrázky a citáty pro vkládání na webové stránky

!!!Both groups have prepared a Questionnare about their Countries.

Czech students have competed and there You can see their answers:
We can also congratulate Slovak students.Their answers are Great!

středa 28. října 2009

Visit our towns!

Dear friends!
Her you can watch the presentation of Most.We hope you like our town.
And here you can see presentation about Vrable - our slovak friends´town.
It´s very nice.

neděle 18. října 2009

Slovak letters

Here are the letters from Slovak friends.

Meet our team.

Because our Slovak friends find out "who is who" in our competition now you can meet our team:

First steps!

At first we have written introducing letters.
Have a look at Czech letters at this link:


Welcome to our blog!

Here you can watch and read all about our Etwinning project -
"How we live in the Heart of Europe"
Czech - "Jak žijeme v srdci Evropy"          Slovak - "Ako žijeme v srdci Európy"
It is the project between Czech and Slovak students.
Our common target is - 1) to know our countries and each other
                                    2) to improve English
                                    3) to have a fun :-)
You are always Welcome !