Quality Label

Quality Label

středa 28. října 2009

Visit our towns!

Dear friends!
Her you can watch the presentation of Most.We hope you like our town.
And here you can see presentation about Vrable - our slovak friends´town.
It´s very nice.

neděle 18. října 2009

Slovak letters

Here are the letters from Slovak friends.

Meet our team.

Because our Slovak friends find out "who is who" in our competition now you can meet our team:

First steps!

At first we have written introducing letters.
Have a look at Czech letters at this link:


Welcome to our blog!

Here you can watch and read all about our Etwinning project -
"How we live in the Heart of Europe"
Czech - "Jak žijeme v srdci Evropy"          Slovak - "Ako žijeme v srdci Európy"
It is the project between Czech and Slovak students.
Our common target is - 1) to know our countries and each other
                                    2) to improve English
                                    3) to have a fun :-)
You are always Welcome !