Quality Label

Quality Label

úterý 22. června 2010

Holiday in Slovakia

Dear friends,

We would like to invite you to nice summer holiday in Slovakia.
We hope you will like it.

Great summer holiday!!!

sobota 5. června 2010

Holiday Tour around the Czech republic

Hello our Slovak friends,
the summer holidays are coming and we all hope you maybe will want to visit our country.
So we have chosen some interesting places for you:
Holiday Tour around the Czech republic

We hope you like it and maybe you will come to some of these places :-)

sobota 8. května 2010

How we celebrated 5th Birthday of eTwinning :-)

 eTwinning celebrated 5 years of its existence and we celebrated too.
We invited our parents to have a look at our eTwinning Projects, prepared blue and yellow cakes and played
Funny Pentathlon.We really enjoyed it!
It was the Big Fun :-)
                                          Your Czech partners

pondělí 26. dubna 2010


Hello everyone,
do you know "What does a videoconference mean??"
Czech and Slovak students know it very well,now.
On Thursday 22 April we organised common videoconference.
It was great to see and hear our friends in reality.
Some students were little bit afraid of speaking English but it was fine.
Everything what you need is :

It´s great to use modern technology at school!

                                                                               See you soon again!

čtvrtek 1. dubna 2010

We wish you Nice Easter

We have holiday now and we wish you Nice Easter

úterý 30. března 2010

Wash me - advert Slovakia

Hello. This is the advert about washing powder.

pondělí 29. března 2010

Action Cookie - Advert Slovakia

Hello. Here is our advert. We hope you will like it.

neděle 14. února 2010

How do you like our own adverts?

Hello everyone,
here you can see our own adverts.Do you like them?
The first one is called T.N.T - made by Tom,Vick and Luke:
T.N.T - energy drink

The next one is for girls from Lucy, Michel, Kristyn, Renča and Lucka.
Have a big fun ...

Black Eye

sobota 16. ledna 2010

Media - our next common topic.

Mass media
 Questionnaire – 6.B
Primary school of V. Záborský, Vráble

1.    Do you read magazines ?     yes    no
If yes, what is your favourite magazine ? ......................................................
2.    Do you listen to the radio stations ?    yes      no
If yes, how many hours do you listen to them ?  .............................................
3.    Do you watch TV?    Yes    no
If yes, how much time a day? ...............................................................
      What is your favourite TV program ? ............................................................
4.    Do you like adverts ?     yes   no
Have you got any favourite advert?  If  yes, what? ..........................................
5.    How much time do you spend at computer ? ...............................................
6.    What everything do you do on your computer ? Circle correct item!
a)    Play games
b)    Surf on Internet searching information for homework
c)     Surf on Internet for fun
d)    Chat on some portal . skype, Face,......
e)     Write homework – project, essey, magazine,.....
7.    What is your favourite PC game ? .................................................
8.    What is your favourite hobby? a)TV  b)computer games  c)sport   d) other

And here is the result of our questionaire .         
12 pupils from our class took part in this questionnaire.
1.    7 pupils read magazine: Kamarát, Fľak, Nový čas, Život.
2.    9 pupils listen to the radio station  :  1 hour – 5 hours daily
3.    11 pupils watch Tv every day : 3hours – 6hours daily
Favourite Tv programs are Panelák , Kutil , Krok za Krokom,Sport
4.    Only 3 pupils like adverts  such as SuperStrar , T-mobile.
5.    Each student spend a lot of time at computer  : 1hour – 6 hours.
6.    Children usually spend their time at computer in various way :
a) 12 students play games 
b) 4 surf on Internet searching information for homework
c)11 surf on Internet for fun
d)11 Chat on some portal , skype , facebook
e)3 Write homework – project ,essey , magazine
   7.  Favourite games are Puzzle, The Sims, GTA San Andreas, Mafia, Cal of
       Dutty , Grant theft auto,
8.  Favourite hobbies are 3 pupils -Tv ,  8 pupils - computer games, but 10
pupils also like sport.

 So we can say that media influenced children very much especially TV and computer – Internet.
And Slovak students also asked 10 schoolmates from their school and here are their answers:

1.    6 pupils read magazine: Kocúrkovo, Kamarát, Fľak, Star,
2.    4 pupils listen  to the radio station  :  1 hour – 3 hours daily
3.    8 pupils watch Tv every day : 2hours – 6hours daily
Favourite Tv programs are Panelák, Sport , Knight Rider
4.     Only 3 pupils like adverts  such as Orange.
5.    Each student spend a lot of time at computer  : 1hour – 7 hours.
6.    And they usually spend their time at computer this way :
a) 10 students play games 
b) 2 surf on Internet searching information for homework
c) 7 surf on Internet for fun
d) 9 chat on some portal , skype , facebook
e) 5 write homework – project , essey , magazine        
7.    Favourite games are The Sims, Happy Aquarium
8.    Favourite hobbies: 3 pupils - Tv ,6 of them  Computer games, but 5students like Sport as well.

Make the questionnaire and to be the reporters was very interesting and we realized how important is to know something about media and their influence on our life.

Students of 6. B from Primary school of V. Záborský, Vráble

Czech pupils answer this questionnare:
1) What type of media influence you the most?
a) Tv b) internet c) newspaper and magazines d) radio

2) What´s your favourite TV channel? How many hours a day do you watch it?

3) What Czech newspaper do you know? Do you read some?
4) Do you regularly buy any magazines? Which ones?
5) How often do you listen to the radio? Which station?
6) How often do you use the internet and why?

And what about advertisments?
a) Do you like watching commercial breaks on TV?
b) What´s your favourite Tv advert?
c) Do you read press advertisments (in magazines,eye-catchers,fliers..)
Do they influence your shopping?

Our results:

1) Most of all we are influenced by TV (9 pupils) and internet (7 pupils).

2) We spend about 2-3 hours a day by watching our favourite Tv channels.
And which ones??
The most favourite Tv channel is TV Nova, then we also like watching Tv Prima, Prima Cool,Discovery, sport and music channels.

Comeback! We like it.
3) We don´t read newspaper but we all know „Blesk“ and „Mostecký Deník“.
4) Some pupils buy magazines – mostly „Bravo“. We read also „ABC“ and „Bravo Girl“. Some pupils don´t buy magazimes at all.

5) We listen to the radio – our favourite stations are „Evropa 2“ and „Radio Blaník“.
6) And we ,of course, use internet every day! Most of all we like chatting with our friends (Skype,ICQ,Facebook..) and we also play on-line PC games . We sometimes use internet for our schoolwork.
And for eTwinning J

And Advertisments??
We don´t like watching commercial breaks on Tv!
We always switch over the another programme.
But sometimes adverts influence our shopping J